Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Great Day!

It's been a little while, again, since we've updated this wonderful thing. Mainly because we have been very busy chasing all of the kids around.

Cooper is driving us crazy, and we are loving every minute of it. He is in to everything, and I do mean everything.

Ok, so we haven't updated everything in the house yet, and Cooper is taking advantage of this. The space between the railing on the steps, is a little wide. We have a gate blocking the steps, but that doesn't stop him. Just the other night, Randy took Lea up to brush her teeth. I was in the living room with the boys, so I thought. In a matter of seconds, and I do mean seconds, he was though the railing and up the stairs to the bathroom where Lea and Daddy were. And he did the same thing tonight, trying to get to Lea.

Tonight, he has kept me on my toes. I have no idea how he climbed on top of a container, but he did. And he tried to stand on top of it. He has no fear and doesn't see things in front of him as obstacles. He is amazing.

He had a check up today with Dr Azarow, the surgeon who did Cooper's surgery. It is just a routine check since Cooper is in the Dhreams Study. But it was a great check. Cooper was standing by Randy when Dr A walked in, and then walked over to Randy to hide behind his leg. Dr A was surprised and happy to see Cooper's progress. Actually he said he was "very pleased" with how he looked and "wished all babies looked this good". Of course referring to other babies that have gone through what Cooper has. He gave us some tips to help us make it through the winter. Actually, his biggest tip was to do what we would do with the other two.

Jaxon wrapped up his fall soccer season with another great season. His team lost only two games all season and in the post season tournament. He did awesome, as always. He also played flag football this fall. He is quite the athlete. He did very well at all positions, but excelled at running back. Funny thing was, he never wanted to play quarterback, but the kid can throw the ball better than anyone else on the team. But I'm not biased at all. :)

Lea is loving preschool. She gets so excited about going, and still wishes she could go every day. I have thought about signing her up for dance, which i know she will enjoy, but haven't jumped in just yet. Mainly because we have been running around for Jaxon so much, I just didn't want to add another thing in to the mix just yet.

Halloween was fun! Lea was a ghost, Jaxon was the Headless Horseman, and Cooper was a purple dragon. Cooper was the only one of our kids that actually kept he costume on his head the entire time.

It's getting late for me, and it has taken me over 4 hours to get this much done. Good night all!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Another fun weekend

So, on friday Cooper had his 9 month check up and it went great.
He is only in the 5th percentile for weight, weighing in at a whopping 17 pounds 8 ounces. He is 28 1/2 inches tall and in the 51st percentile for height. Then there is his big head. He's in the 95th percentile for his head circumference. Dr. Davis said he is great. He has no worries at this point and time. Except that maybe we will be seeing him more for all of Cooper's "stunts" that he has been trying lately. While in the exam room, Cooper almost never sat still, trying to climb on everything. Dr Davis even said "I'm exhausted just watching him". So are we.

The sky's the limit with him.

Cooper has been babbling for a while now, but we haven't really heard him talk other than the occasional "hi" to Gizmo. That's right, he talks to the dog and not to us. However, this weekend we finally have heard him say "dada". Apparently he says it at Teresa's house for her, but just hadn't for us until yesterday. Yesterday, Randy was on the floor with him and Gizmo and Cooper was grabbing the dog's tail. So, I said don't pull his tail and he looks at me, and both Randy and I swear he said "I'm not". We know it had to be a fluke, but it sure sounded that way.

As I'm sitting her trying to type this today, he is all over the place again. Following Lea all around the room, trying to do the things that she is doing. Just like a little brother should. She thinks it's cute now, but give it time and she will be just like Jaxon and be complaining about him following her and getting in to her stuff.

Just another normal household here and loving it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

This has been a big month!

In the past month a lot has happened.

Cooper has another two teeth and is still using them on everything. He has this fascination with shoes and feet. He likes to use them as his personal teething rings. You always need to "stay on your toes" or he may bite them. Of course he just smiles at you when he does.

He is practically running along the furniture and it won't be long until he is running around the furniture. He loves to run around the house behind one of his walking toys.

This past weekend was quite a weekend for our family. On September 17th, our niece, Victoria, married her soul mate Mooch (yes Mooch, aka Matthew) and both Lea and Jaxon were lucky enough to be a part of their wedding. They looked so grown up in their dress and tux. And they did a great job. While they were posing for pictures, Cooper was doing his own showing off. He decided that he didn't want to be left out and took his first unassisted step. He has since taken several single steps, but nothing more than one step at a time. We give it just a matter of time before he realizes that he can walk all on his own.

Cooper's uncle Andy also got married on the 17th out in Colorado. It sounds like it was a great party. Congrats to him!

Cooper has his 9 month check up tomorrow and we get to see if he has added any lead in his pants. It's a couple of weeks late, but due to everything that has been going on, it has been the only time we have been able to get it scheduled. Can't wait to see what he weighs.

We have been busy running around to Jaxon's soccer and football games and practices. He and his teams have been doing great. You can see the improvement they are making every game. Jaxon has done extremely well. One weekend he had a hat trick in soccer and two touchdowns in his football game.

Until tomorrow...we will update everyone on how Cooper did at his appointment.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's Been Too Long

It has been way to long since I have written on here, and I must admit, I'm a little disappointed in my self. I had intended to get on here at least once a week to at least document the happenings of Cooper and the entire Jensen Gang! So, here goes some long windedness (is this even a word?) to try to catch up.

Let's start with our big helpers. Jaxon is now 8 and started the third grade. He is keeping us on our toes by participating in both soccer and football this fall. He loves both sports. Today he had a hat trick in his soccer game. You couldn't wipe that smile off his face. It was fun to watch. Randy and I were a little late to his first football game last week (thanks in part to work schedules and early starting times for the games) but we walked up just in time to see him take the ball down the field for a touchdown! He is growing up so fast, it's frightening.

Lea has started preschool. She is going two mornings a week. Just getting her feet wet for school. She will have to do another year of preschool, because of where her birthday falls, but it will be good for her. She loves school. One of our good friends (Heather :) )works there, so this has really helped her transition in to school. She loves going to Jaxon's games. She is quite the cheerleader, but can't wait to be out there playing herself.

Cooper is doing great, except for his weight. He is eating like a horse, ok shetland pony. But the little fart is all over the place.

Around the Fourth of July, he was starting to crawl. He had been army crawling and getting where he wanted to pretty quickly. But now, he has the crawling thing down pat. It has been about a month and a half, and you CAN NOT take your eyes off him for a minute. We found out the hard way (well kind of anyway) that he could crawl up steps. I don't think he even knew he could, until he did it. Thanks in part to his big sister, Lea. Where she goes, he wants to go. He did not fall or anything, we just found him on the third of four steps. Now he's a pro at them. Crap!

We have 3 gates and an ironing board up to try to cage him in. A couple of them we can not secure, so there in lies the next problem. He wants what's behind those gates, usually cords of some sort, so he pulls the gates down. This tends to be on top of himself. He doesn't usually cry when he does this, but it sure is interesting watching him crawl out from under them.

Cooper wants to walk, but just isn't steady enough yet. I think it is in part to his weight. He's got a big head (he's going to be really smart like his mom) and no weight to help him keep it up. We haven't gone to the doctor to get a true weight on him, but by our scale, he still is only around 16 pounds. Not for lack of trying. The kid only wants real food most of the time. And easily can go through a large jar of food at one sitting, as long as it's something he likes. And we believe he is addicted to those puffs. Couldn't get the other two to eat those, but he can go through a container in 3 days if you let him.

He now has 6 teeth and is starting to chew like a pro. Unfortunately, it is usually not on food. Cords, boxes, us, and occasionally a teething ring. I have tried to look to see if there are any more teeth trying to come in, but that is risky. He likes to bite and those little teeth hurt.

His determination is...AWESOME! When he wants something, he finds a way to get it, most of the time. Of course we have to keep him in check, because what he wants is usually not something he should have. He has lots of bruises and scrapes to prove it already. His level of problem solving already has us a little concerned for what the future has in store for us. We see a lot of trips to the doctor or ER with this one. There is fearless (which Jaxon and Lea were) and there is Cooper.

I know, this sounds like most little ones, but I think for us, with Cooper it just is different. When you have in the back of your mind, every day, that you are just lucky that he is alive, because he wasn't given that great of a chance...it changes your outlook. We have been told and have read that he could have all these different developmental delays and may not ever do certain things, like crawl, that seeing his determination and how quickly he can problem solve (his way around gates and in to everything else) that we truly feel that God is Great! We know that we are not out of the woods and we have no idea what Cooper may or may not be able to do in the future. But for now, we celebrate all that he is accomplishing. We are celebrating all the little things that "people" have said he may never do, and does with gusto.

All children are miracles, but Cooper.....he is proof of God's greatness. We have a little fighter on our hands. So, watch out world!!!

Until next time...(I hope I will be back soon)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cooper has been doing really well at his scheduled check ups. At 6month check his weight is still very below average. Everything else is above average!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cooper ate a small jar of pears tonight! He has never eaten that much before. Need to put some lead in his butt. His weight is in the 11% range!