Thursday, February 10, 2011


I know, it's been quite some time since I have updated everyone on how Cooper is doing.  He's doing great.

A few bumps in the road so far, but all is good. 

We met with one of the surgeons on Tuesday for Cooper's post-op visit.  He checked him out and said that he looks great.  Of course we have to be vigilant of his respiratory issues.  Any change in his breathing, and we need to make sure he gets checked out right away.  He was more worried about the hernia recurring and causing breathing problems.  He doesn't think it will happen, just that it could.  He actually told us that we could just treat him like any other kid.  Which was great to hear.

Two days after he came home from the hospital, we went and saw the pediatrician.  At that time, Cooper was starting to get a bad case of baby acne.  The doctor said that he would outgrow it.  This was the worst case of baby acne I had ever seen.  Turns out it isn't acne.

First the Dr Davis thought he just had a milk and soy protein intolerance.  Cooper didn't have any other signs or symptoms other than the rash.  So, Dr Davis said to try Alimentum again to see if this cleared up the rash.  One week later, he is still rashy, just not quite as bad.  So, now the thought is that he is just a "rashy" kid and he said we could try regular formula if we want.  He states that Cooper will grow out of this, as some kids are just "rashy" kids.  He just wants us to call him if in a week or so the rash is getting worse.

Other than that, his two month check up went great.  He weighs 11 pounds 15 ounces and is 24 inches long.  He tolerated the shots well.  And they are working on getting his next Syangis shot authorized.  He will probably have to have at least 2 more of these to get him though RSV season.

Cooper is really starting to show his personality.  He is smiling a lot more and just seems to be a happy little guy most of the time.  Even Teresa, who watches him while Mom and Dad are at work, says that he smiles a lot.  She just wishes he would look at her more.  I caught him looking at her when she wasn't looking at him.  He is a crafty little guy. 

He looks so much like his sister, it's crazy.  He even has the same one dimple.  No more appointments for another month.  Looking forward to some "normalcy", whatever that is.  :-)

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