Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's almost Easter!!

It's the Thursday before Easter and this Easter Bunny isn't quite ready.

There is no school tomorrow, so Jaxon is spending the night at his friend John's house. Lea is still up, even though it is an hour past her bedtime. We put her to bed, she just won't go to sleep. And Randy just put Cooper to bed. Just another typical day for a family.

But we did get some good news about Cooper today. I took him in for his weight check, and he is back on track. He gained 8 1/2 ounces! He is now 13 pounds 7 ounces. And as long as he continues eating like he currently is, Dr Davis says there is no reason to bring him back for weight checks. Now that he has this down again, we are going to get brave and try feeding him real food.

Work for me has entered a new phase of "what the hell am I doing here". The office is going to be starting construction on Monday, so the business office has had to start pre-registering all of the patients that will be coming in for appointments. Just to give you an idea, we see about 50 to 60 patients a day on an average day. Busy days are upwards of 80 to 100 patients. There are only 5 people in the business office. Oh, and we are supposed to do our regular jobs as well. I have already asked my supervisor for a very large bottle of tequila or a padded, sound proof room so I can beat my head against the wall and scream. She actually agreed.

I am really looking forward to this weekend. Getting away from Lincoln for a couple of days. Spending time with family. Just relaxing. My sister, Angel, makes some of the best sugar cookies, and I can't wait to have some of them. I guess I just need to do an extra workout for all the cookies I plan on eating.

Another day is in the books. I look forward to tomorrow and the new experiences I will have with the kids. Happy Easter everyone.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another Roller Coaster Week

So, we (us and the Dr Davis) have been worried about Cooper's weight. As you may have read, we had a crazy weekend with Cooper. It really didn't seem to get better after all. He never really started eating very well again. So, Tuesday, after getting a message that Cooper really wasn't eating well all day, we called the doctor and they said to bring him in to be seen and check his weight. The nurse said that if by some chance he started eating well, we could cancel his appointment for the next morning.

Well, Randy had also come to the realization that about the time that Cooper started eating poorly (about 2 weeks prior) that we had switched to a different brand of formula (due to cost). So, as a last ditch effort, Tuesday night Randy ran out and bought the original brand we had Cooper on to see if that would help. Boy did it help. The previous 24 hours, Cooper had taken about 10 ounces. The next 12 hours, Cooper took 10 ounces. Needless to say, we cancelled the appointment.

I wasn't too worried since he was back to acting like himself and we had his 4 month check up on Friday.

His check up was a head scratcher for everyone. He lost another ounce. He weighs 12 pounds 14 1/2 ounces and is 25 1/4 inches long. That puts him in the 11% for his weight and the 60% for his length. Of course, he is my kid so his head was at 72%. Big heads mean big brains, right?

About his weight, Dr Davis said that because Cooper has previously had so many brain scans, he wasn't too worried that it was neurological. And he had an echo done recently, that was normal, so he wasn't worried about it being his heart. He didn't think that his pectus excavatum would cause too many problems with his weight gain. Basically, he thinks that it is just been bad luck with his upper respiratory infection and then his gastritis that has caused him to not gain weight. Since Cooper is eating like a champ now, he is hoping that we will just have the weight check this coming Thursday and everything will be just fine and back on track. That's our hope as well.

As for the rest of us, Randy and I have just been working and trying to get things done in the yard. If mother nature would just work with us, we may be able to get things cleaned out and planted. We have no idea when we will get our garden planted. Hopefully soon. The kids don't know it yet, but we are looking to get a play set for the backyard. We took out a tree last year, which gave us enough room for a play set.

Lea has been having a tough week. Acting out and talking back, a lot. Don't know if it is just her being 3, or because Cooper has been getting a lot more attention lately.

Jaxon has been doing great in soccer. He and I figured out today that he only has 28 more days of school. He is really excited about that. Me, not so much. Just means paying for 3 kids in daycare. Honestly though, I just can't believe next fall Jaxon will be in the 3rd grade and Lea will be going to preschool. Time goes by so quickly.

Monday, April 11, 2011

What a weekend

So, we make it through the weigh in, and then the bug hits. That's right, that nasty little bug that has been going around caught up with the Jensen household starting last Friday.

We received word from Teresa that Cooper threw up Friday morning. No fever, but he was very lethargic. I went and picked him up and he hadn't been eating well all day. That continued threw the night. Then early Saturday morning, he threw up again, a lot. Still no fever, but to be on the safe side, Randy took him in to the doctor. Before he could get him in, Cooper actually ate again and was able to keep it down. The doctor was surprised by this and said that if he was able to do this, then he was already on the rebound. The good news was that from Thursday to Saturday, he didn't lose any more weight.

He still isn't eating well, but he hasn't been sick since Saturday, so that's a bonus.

Randy and Jaxon both weren't feeling the best Saturday either. This bug really didn't last long for them either. 24 to 48 hours for everyone.

Thankfully, Lea and I seemed to have escaped without catching the bug.

Jaxon, Lea and I were able to go to their friend Tanner's birthday party and ran and ran and ran. It wore Lea out, but Jaxon and I went with a group of our friends to the movie Hop. It was quite a cute movie. Will never look at jelly beans quite the same again.

Jaxon won his soccer game on Sunday and scored the only goal of the game. He really loves soccer and is pretty good. I just wish I knew more about the game. I'm learning right along with him. And yes, I'm one of those moms that yells very loudly, all the time.

The Jensen's are back on the mend, and craziness continues to follow us wherever we go. And lovin' every minute of it!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weight Watchers???

It's not what you think. We are having take Cooper in for weekly weight checks because he hasn't been gaining weight like he should.

For instance, last week he weighed in at a hefty 13 pounds 1 ounce. This was a 10 ounce weight gain in one week. Whereas the previous 6 weeks he had only gained a total of 8 ounces. Dr Davis asked us to keep doing weekly weight checks. So, today we took Cooper in again and you'll never guess what happened. He lost 2 ounces. It seems like he just can't catch a break. Hopefully, when we go in next week for our four month check, he will have put on some weight.

We can only assume he lost weight because he is so much more active, and he has yet another cold. Per Dr Davis, the drainage he has fills up his stomach so he isn't eating as much. And he has been eating less then usual.

Randy and I are looking forward to the nicer weather, as most people are, so we can open up the house and get the "bugs" out. Lea, Jaxon, and I will just have to make sure we have our allergy medicine on hand.

Most parents want time to slow down, so their children do not grow up so fast. And I would say that with the first two, that is definitely the case. With Cooper, it's different. Of course I want him to stay little so I can protect him, but at the same time, I wish it were a year from now already. I want his little immune system to be stronger. I want to see him crawl for the first time. I want to see him walk. I want to see him annoying his big brother and sister. I want to see him torture the dog. All the little things that I took for granted with Lea and Jaxon. Those things that I hope he will do someday. There is no guarantee that he will do these things, or that something else won't come up, due to his CDH, that will prevent him from doing a somersault.

Right now, Cooper is right on track to do everything that any other child can do. And every day I look at him and smile at our little miracle. Even if he isn't able to do some of these things, he's here with us. And who can ask for anything more.

Love you Coop!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Babies that have departed because of CDH. Please help us so we do not have to add any more names to this list!

Pages created to honor the memory of our brave, departed CDH children.

•Aiden Zach Scott Towner
•Allison Corsetti
•Ava Grace Apple
•Avery Mae Ziebart
•Caleb Ray Cox
•Connor Ellis McLuckie
•Dakota Mae Vosse
•Donald Zeraihi Wellman
•Faith Grace Miles
•Gabriel Eric Nava
•Grace Dill
•Gregory Zion Couret
•Jak Thomas Parsons Forshaw
•Jason Lee
•Joel Archie Jed Abel
•John Clinton Hollingsworth
•Jolee Jean Scott
•Judah Matthew Southmayd
•Kasey James Colvin
•Madeline Emiley
•Madison Lillian Schultz
•Mathias Jacob
•McKenna Lynne Varen
•Mert Akar
•Olivia Raine Richards
•Parker Reese Singletary
•Raymond "Drew" Lewallen
•Robert Joseph "Bryce" Southwell
•Ryan and Jesse
•Ryann Hope Smith
•Sarah Christina Lewis
•Taylor Adam "Zachary" Holler

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our visit with Grandma, Grandpa, and Great Grandma Baumert

This past weekend the entire family took the very long road trip to Howells. I know. I know. It's not that long of a trip to Howells, only 1 1/2 hours. But, any parent can tell you, there are times when 10 minutes can feel like and hour. This was one of those trips.

The drive up was not terrible. Jaxon was such a big help. Cooper decided he was hungry about 30 minutes out from Howells, so, Jaxon actually was able to feed him in his carseat. I was so grateful, because at that point I didn't want to have to stop. So, it was pretty much without incident.

We had a lot of fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa. My sister Angel and her family (Bill and Isabella) came up for the night as well. Lea and Bella played and played. It was very cute seeing them on the big swing together and chasing Grandpa. Grandma took them to the park and they got to go on the merry-go-round. Which is all Lea could talk about doing the minute we told her we were going up to Grandma and Grandpa's. That and of course playing with Bella.

Grandpa took Jaxon on a walk. A tradition those two started many years ago when Jaxon was just a little guy. I know Jaxon loves the walks and Grandpa loves spending time with Jaxon. They always find something new, even in small town USA.

That evening, us Moms and Dads went to the annual Howells steak fry. It's always fun to go and see old friends. For me, it's a mini reunion every year. I only get to see some of these people at this event. The best part of the evening would have to have been the fact that we didn't have to get up with the kids. Grandma and Grandpa took care of them for us. That being said...I was still up just before 7am. Oh well, I didn't have to get up in the middle of the night with Cooper. Yeah!

Sunday, before we headed back to Lincoln, we went to visit Great Grandma in the nursing home. I have no idea why, but those places make me uneasy. I was extra nervous about visiting Great Grandma because the last few times I saw her, she didn't know who I was. That really breaks my heart, but I understand, she's almost 98 and she entitled to forget things. This was a good visit. She actually remembered me and Jaxon. I didn't talk much, mainly because I felt that I could start crying any moment. I don't know if my dad will understand, but for almost a year, she didn't know who I was, and knowing this could very well be the last time I see her, I about lost it. I did keep it together for the kids though. We were able to get some pictures with Great Grandma and the kids. Something I will cherish forever.

The ride back to Lincoln was the longest 90 minutes I spent in a long time. Tired kids + tired parents + one bad headache = One bad trip. "I will have daddy pull this car over if you don't stop it now" was actually used. And did happen. Lea was just screaming about everything and would not stop. Cooper cries anytime Lea does, so Cooper was crying. Nothing seemed to calm either of them down, so Randy pulled over and took Lea out of the car, while I took Cooper out of his carseat to calm him down. Two hours later, ok, maybe only ten minutes, we had two somewhat calm children and we sped home. Jaxon was a little angel through all of this. He tried his best to calm down Cooper, but he just couldn't.

There you have it. A day in the life of another average American family. You know what, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Starting anew!

As you who have followed via this blog know, it has been quite some time since we have posted anything to update everyone on Cooper and the family.

Everyone is doing great! We had our battles with colds, but we all made it through. Cooper survived his first cold. It did take a toll on him though. He's been struggling to gain weight, but I think we are finally over that hurdle.

We have found over the last month that Cooper's little heart is just fine. He had an echo as part of the Dhreams study he is participating in. While at that check up we noticed that he hadn't gained any weight in the last month. So, in follow up we went to his pediatrician and found that he indeed has only gained 4 ounces in 5 weeks. He told us that he should be gaining 2 pounds a month. So, we have been on an increased calorie diet for the past week. He has gained 10 ounces this past week. Back on track!

In the meantime, life has gotten back to it's crazy self for the rest of us as well. Jaxon's soccer season started last Sunday and will go for the next 7 weeks. He is almost done with his 2nd grade year. Just very hard to believe. He is getting so big.

Lea...well, Lea is Lea. Love the girl to death, but the high drama that comes with her is a little maddening. She loves to be a princess and loves to torture her big brother. What every 3 year old girl should do. It is obvious to me that all the time we spent away from the two of them when Cooper was in Omaha, really affected her. She no longer wants to spend the night places without mom and dad. When she does, she wants to go home immediately when we get there to pick her up. Hopefully she will get over this too.

Randy is loving his work and doing really well. He would really like Cooper to sleep through the night. As would I. We know that he will eventually, but the lack of sleep is starting to get to us.

Me, well, I tried to go back to work part time so I could spend some quality time with Cooper. I only had 2 weeks of leave left after he was released from the hospital. But, my bosses said I had to go back full time. So, I reluctantly went back to work. They love to preach equality amoung the employees, but if you aren't a friend or family of the administration, there is no such thing. I do keep reminding myself, that I am lucky that I have a job and the office politics are in every office.

We have started a foundation to educate everyone about CDH. There are still doctors out there that know very little about CDH. While in the NICU in Omaha with Cooper, we were told about one couple from Sioux City that was told that this was an unsurvivable defect. They didn't accept that answer, researched it, and found UNMC. Their baby is alive and well. We do not want this to happen to any other families. It is completely unacceptable that physicians are giving death sentences to babies because they haven't been properly educated. Our mission is to change this. Please help support our cause to get the word out there about CDH.

In the meantime we are getting on with our everyday lives, and loving having us all under one roof. God has truly blessed us! Our family is home and healthy. We have wonderful family and friends that have supported us through all of this and continue to do so everyday.