Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our visit with Grandma, Grandpa, and Great Grandma Baumert

This past weekend the entire family took the very long road trip to Howells. I know. I know. It's not that long of a trip to Howells, only 1 1/2 hours. But, any parent can tell you, there are times when 10 minutes can feel like and hour. This was one of those trips.

The drive up was not terrible. Jaxon was such a big help. Cooper decided he was hungry about 30 minutes out from Howells, so, Jaxon actually was able to feed him in his carseat. I was so grateful, because at that point I didn't want to have to stop. So, it was pretty much without incident.

We had a lot of fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa. My sister Angel and her family (Bill and Isabella) came up for the night as well. Lea and Bella played and played. It was very cute seeing them on the big swing together and chasing Grandpa. Grandma took them to the park and they got to go on the merry-go-round. Which is all Lea could talk about doing the minute we told her we were going up to Grandma and Grandpa's. That and of course playing with Bella.

Grandpa took Jaxon on a walk. A tradition those two started many years ago when Jaxon was just a little guy. I know Jaxon loves the walks and Grandpa loves spending time with Jaxon. They always find something new, even in small town USA.

That evening, us Moms and Dads went to the annual Howells steak fry. It's always fun to go and see old friends. For me, it's a mini reunion every year. I only get to see some of these people at this event. The best part of the evening would have to have been the fact that we didn't have to get up with the kids. Grandma and Grandpa took care of them for us. That being said...I was still up just before 7am. Oh well, I didn't have to get up in the middle of the night with Cooper. Yeah!

Sunday, before we headed back to Lincoln, we went to visit Great Grandma in the nursing home. I have no idea why, but those places make me uneasy. I was extra nervous about visiting Great Grandma because the last few times I saw her, she didn't know who I was. That really breaks my heart, but I understand, she's almost 98 and she entitled to forget things. This was a good visit. She actually remembered me and Jaxon. I didn't talk much, mainly because I felt that I could start crying any moment. I don't know if my dad will understand, but for almost a year, she didn't know who I was, and knowing this could very well be the last time I see her, I about lost it. I did keep it together for the kids though. We were able to get some pictures with Great Grandma and the kids. Something I will cherish forever.

The ride back to Lincoln was the longest 90 minutes I spent in a long time. Tired kids + tired parents + one bad headache = One bad trip. "I will have daddy pull this car over if you don't stop it now" was actually used. And did happen. Lea was just screaming about everything and would not stop. Cooper cries anytime Lea does, so Cooper was crying. Nothing seemed to calm either of them down, so Randy pulled over and took Lea out of the car, while I took Cooper out of his carseat to calm him down. Two hours later, ok, maybe only ten minutes, we had two somewhat calm children and we sped home. Jaxon was a little angel through all of this. He tried his best to calm down Cooper, but he just couldn't.

There you have it. A day in the life of another average American family. You know what, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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