Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another Roller Coaster Week

So, we (us and the Dr Davis) have been worried about Cooper's weight. As you may have read, we had a crazy weekend with Cooper. It really didn't seem to get better after all. He never really started eating very well again. So, Tuesday, after getting a message that Cooper really wasn't eating well all day, we called the doctor and they said to bring him in to be seen and check his weight. The nurse said that if by some chance he started eating well, we could cancel his appointment for the next morning.

Well, Randy had also come to the realization that about the time that Cooper started eating poorly (about 2 weeks prior) that we had switched to a different brand of formula (due to cost). So, as a last ditch effort, Tuesday night Randy ran out and bought the original brand we had Cooper on to see if that would help. Boy did it help. The previous 24 hours, Cooper had taken about 10 ounces. The next 12 hours, Cooper took 10 ounces. Needless to say, we cancelled the appointment.

I wasn't too worried since he was back to acting like himself and we had his 4 month check up on Friday.

His check up was a head scratcher for everyone. He lost another ounce. He weighs 12 pounds 14 1/2 ounces and is 25 1/4 inches long. That puts him in the 11% for his weight and the 60% for his length. Of course, he is my kid so his head was at 72%. Big heads mean big brains, right?

About his weight, Dr Davis said that because Cooper has previously had so many brain scans, he wasn't too worried that it was neurological. And he had an echo done recently, that was normal, so he wasn't worried about it being his heart. He didn't think that his pectus excavatum would cause too many problems with his weight gain. Basically, he thinks that it is just been bad luck with his upper respiratory infection and then his gastritis that has caused him to not gain weight. Since Cooper is eating like a champ now, he is hoping that we will just have the weight check this coming Thursday and everything will be just fine and back on track. That's our hope as well.

As for the rest of us, Randy and I have just been working and trying to get things done in the yard. If mother nature would just work with us, we may be able to get things cleaned out and planted. We have no idea when we will get our garden planted. Hopefully soon. The kids don't know it yet, but we are looking to get a play set for the backyard. We took out a tree last year, which gave us enough room for a play set.

Lea has been having a tough week. Acting out and talking back, a lot. Don't know if it is just her being 3, or because Cooper has been getting a lot more attention lately.

Jaxon has been doing great in soccer. He and I figured out today that he only has 28 more days of school. He is really excited about that. Me, not so much. Just means paying for 3 kids in daycare. Honestly though, I just can't believe next fall Jaxon will be in the 3rd grade and Lea will be going to preschool. Time goes by so quickly.

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