Monday, April 11, 2011

What a weekend

So, we make it through the weigh in, and then the bug hits. That's right, that nasty little bug that has been going around caught up with the Jensen household starting last Friday.

We received word from Teresa that Cooper threw up Friday morning. No fever, but he was very lethargic. I went and picked him up and he hadn't been eating well all day. That continued threw the night. Then early Saturday morning, he threw up again, a lot. Still no fever, but to be on the safe side, Randy took him in to the doctor. Before he could get him in, Cooper actually ate again and was able to keep it down. The doctor was surprised by this and said that if he was able to do this, then he was already on the rebound. The good news was that from Thursday to Saturday, he didn't lose any more weight.

He still isn't eating well, but he hasn't been sick since Saturday, so that's a bonus.

Randy and Jaxon both weren't feeling the best Saturday either. This bug really didn't last long for them either. 24 to 48 hours for everyone.

Thankfully, Lea and I seemed to have escaped without catching the bug.

Jaxon, Lea and I were able to go to their friend Tanner's birthday party and ran and ran and ran. It wore Lea out, but Jaxon and I went with a group of our friends to the movie Hop. It was quite a cute movie. Will never look at jelly beans quite the same again.

Jaxon won his soccer game on Sunday and scored the only goal of the game. He really loves soccer and is pretty good. I just wish I knew more about the game. I'm learning right along with him. And yes, I'm one of those moms that yells very loudly, all the time.

The Jensen's are back on the mend, and craziness continues to follow us wherever we go. And lovin' every minute of it!

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