Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weight Watchers???

It's not what you think. We are having take Cooper in for weekly weight checks because he hasn't been gaining weight like he should.

For instance, last week he weighed in at a hefty 13 pounds 1 ounce. This was a 10 ounce weight gain in one week. Whereas the previous 6 weeks he had only gained a total of 8 ounces. Dr Davis asked us to keep doing weekly weight checks. So, today we took Cooper in again and you'll never guess what happened. He lost 2 ounces. It seems like he just can't catch a break. Hopefully, when we go in next week for our four month check, he will have put on some weight.

We can only assume he lost weight because he is so much more active, and he has yet another cold. Per Dr Davis, the drainage he has fills up his stomach so he isn't eating as much. And he has been eating less then usual.

Randy and I are looking forward to the nicer weather, as most people are, so we can open up the house and get the "bugs" out. Lea, Jaxon, and I will just have to make sure we have our allergy medicine on hand.

Most parents want time to slow down, so their children do not grow up so fast. And I would say that with the first two, that is definitely the case. With Cooper, it's different. Of course I want him to stay little so I can protect him, but at the same time, I wish it were a year from now already. I want his little immune system to be stronger. I want to see him crawl for the first time. I want to see him walk. I want to see him annoying his big brother and sister. I want to see him torture the dog. All the little things that I took for granted with Lea and Jaxon. Those things that I hope he will do someday. There is no guarantee that he will do these things, or that something else won't come up, due to his CDH, that will prevent him from doing a somersault.

Right now, Cooper is right on track to do everything that any other child can do. And every day I look at him and smile at our little miracle. Even if he isn't able to do some of these things, he's here with us. And who can ask for anything more.

Love you Coop!!!

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