Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Just wanted to post a brief update.  I had the growth ultrasound yesterday and...yep, they are guessing big.  By measurements they are estimating that he is 9 pounds 8 ounces.  Now, they also say there is obviously room for error.  About a pound either way.  Let's just hope that it is a pound less.

The tech says it is hard to get an accurate measurement on him for 2 reasons.  First, he has the Baumert head.  Nice and big and round.  The machine only calculates up to 41 weeks and his maxed that out.  So, there is not an accurate measurement of how stubborn, I mean big headed he is.  Second, they measure the abdomen at stomach level and since his stomach is up they have to guess about where to measure the abdomen.  But the third measurement is his femur and that was measuring big too, so she thought that he was going to be at least 8 pounds 8 ounces.  I guess we will see on Friday.


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