Thursday, December 30, 2010


Just a quick update tonight.  And it's all second hand from Randy.  The Huskers are on so I know he won't get this done.

The morphine has been stopped today.  He seemed to have some problems calming down today, but they were able get him clam with a little bit of work.  So, he is still morphine free. 

Although one nurse had told me that a "full feed" is 70 ml, Randy was told today that for Cooper it is 85 mls.  They were going to have him on 70 mls by the 8pm feeding tonight.  Which means they will probably have him on 85 mls sometime tomorrow as long as he keeps tolerating these feeds.  So far so good.  He is only taking about 30 mls by bottle, but at least he is taking some by bottle.  Once he is taking the 85 mls, they will stop the iv nutrition.  Hopefully, they will pull the picc line either tomorrow or Saturday.

One of the surgeons stopped by today and said that he/they were very happy with his progress and that he is above the curve for CDH babies.  That's our little guy!!

Here's to hoping that once Cooper adapts to being off the morphine, he will start taking more by bottle.

Go Huskers!!


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