Friday, December 24, 2010


Today was the first day one of us didn't go up to see Cooper.  Thanks to the weather, we decided to stay in Lincoln, just to be on the safe side.  We wanted to make sure that we were here for Jaxon and Lea and of course, Santa.  Had to make sure the two older kids had Santa on Christmas morning.

We have talked to the nurses taking care of Cooper 3 times and the neonatologist actually called us today as well.  The first two nurse reports were that Cooper was doing well and that they were still weaning him on the oxygen on the vent.  He also had his foley catheter removed.

When the neonatologist called, we were a little scared.  But, it was just an update.  Cooper had been running some low grade fevers, but his white count had been fine.  But, the doctor ordered another set of cultures on both blood and urine.  We won't know until morning if there is actually any infection.  They did start him on antibiotics just in case.  This particular doctor is "Dr Positive".  We don't care for him.  He seems to be negative about everything.  Everyone else is and has been telling us how great Cooper's doing, and this doctor tells us he's just doing ok and that we have to watch him closely because of all the medications he is on.  This isn't something new.  He's been on all of these meds for a while now.  His partners are the ones who put him on these meds.  He's just very frustrating. 

Anyway, when we called tonight, the nurse told us that Cooper is doing great.  His, oxygen on the vent is down to 26% and at 2 am they are going to reduce the pressures on the vent to its lowest settings to see how he does.  Also, they have very slowly started reducing the kettemine and morphine.  We had been warned that this could take a long time since he is on high doses of all of the meds.  Good news is that the day nurse had stated that she never had to give him the fentanyl that was ordered on an as needed basis if he became too agitated.  He is much calmer now.  We don't know if the night nurse has had to give him any fentanyl. 

Tomorrow is Christmas morning and we will be celebrating with all 3 kids.  Tomorrow we are taking Jaxon and Lea to meet their little brother for the first time.  Good news is, they have actually placed Cooper in a crib instead of the warmer he has been in for the past 2 weeks.  Can't wait to see all 3 kids together.

Merry Christmas to everyone! 


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