Friday, December 31, 2010


Happy New Years Eve!!

Received a call from Dr Anderson today.  She said that Cooper looks great.  Last time she saw him he was still on ecmo. 

She did say that he didn't have a good night and was very agitated.  They are opting to not put him on methadone at this time because the nurse on his case today was able to calm him down and get him to sleep.  Hopefully they will be able to continue this, as we really do not want him to have to go on methadone.

They have also put him on prevacid.  Last night he threw up several times and they are thinking that this is from his CDH.  Go figure.  We were told that this would happen, we just thought it would have happened a lot sooner.  They are holding him to 70 mls per feedings and allowing him to eat of 1 1/2 hours instead of just 30 minutes.  Hopefully this will help him as well.  Maybe he will be able to take more by bottle as well.  He may just need to eat slowly.  Nothing like the other two who could down 8 ounces in less than 10 minutes and be looking for more. 

Funny thing is when we asked the nurse if they had measured Cooper lately to see how long he was, she said 19 3/4 inches.  I simply said that he shrunk because we were told that he was 20 1/2 inches at birth.  She just laughed and said she would try to get a measurement on him later today and let us know.  He did gain another 3 ounces yesterday and is up to 9 lbs 10 oz.  A pound more than when he was born.

Thanks to mother nature, we will be staying in Lincoln today and hopefully be able to go up and see Cooper tomorrow.


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