Sunday, December 5, 2010


So, trying out this blog thing to see if this helps keep everyone updated that wants to be updated on our little man Jensen.  I am not the most computer savvy person, so I had to google how to create this, and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was.  I have people who would/are rolling their eyes at me, but I didn't think they wanted me calling them at 5:30 this morning when the thought came to me.

Anyway, there is only 5 days left until we will get to meet our new little guy.  As you know, it's been a bit of a bumpy ride for us.  He still is doing well, however, he is wreaking havoc on me.  I have "typical" pregnancy edema (swelling).  Except that I have had it now for the last 5 weeks and have had to get those lovely and ever so stylish compression stockings to wear.  But myblood pressure has been in check except for my last visit this past Friday.  It was just slightly elevated (which happened with the other two kids also).  Oh, and my ribs on my left side separated about 2 months ago already and make it impossible to sleep more than a couple hours at a time.  So, I'm actually very anxious for him to get here as the doc says this will resolve once he is born. 

I will have one more ultrasound this week to see how big they estimate him to be.  Right now if their estimations are right....UGH!  At 30 weeks they thought he was 3 pounds 8 ounces.  At 34 weeks they thought he was 6 pounds 8 ounces.  So, if he keeps growing at that rate, he may easily be a 9 pound, not so little guy.  It will be interesting to see what they have to say. 

One of the more interesting things about this entire process has been that we met Brittney's doppelganger.  When we met with the neonatologist, she walked into the room and both Randy and I did a double take.  It was a little hard to concentrate on everything she was saying at first.  After our consult, we both just looked at each other and said she looks just like Brittney.

We have know idea how long our "little" guy will be in the hospital.  We have been told to expect 6 to 8 weeks because that is what the average is for babies that have this type of defect.  However, they have only had a few cases where the defect is small like his.  Most of these cases involve multiple organs in the chest cavity.  Not to say that he may not be in that long, but that there is a better chance that he won't because as of now, it is still only his stomach that is up there.  In the same breath the doctor did say that there are many cases where the defect wasn't found until after the baby was born.  And in those cases, the baby came in for surgery and was back home within 24 hours.  No problems.  So, I believe that we have every right to believe that since we know what we are facing, and the doctors are prepared for all of this, we will be home by Christmas.  Positive thoughts!!

He's a fighter already (believe me, my kidneys can't take much more).  We are going up to Omaha Friday (12/10/10) morning to be induced.  Just for logistical reasons.  You in Lincoln, need to deliver in Omaha...and oh yeah it's December in Nebraska.  Who knows what the weather is going to do. As of right now the forecast is just cold.  Hoping that it will stay that way.

Jaxon and Lea are doing great.  Trying to get them ready for all of this has been a challenge.  Jaxon seems to get it a little, but Lea obviously doesn't.  Jaxon has been acting out a little about all of this.  He's fighting for attention anyway he can.  Lea, well, she thinks she's a diva and everything has to go her way.  So, I'm glad this is another boy. 

I'm hoping this will be easier to keep everyone who wants to know up to date.  Remember, please send your prayers and POSITIVE thoughts this way and he will be fine and we will be having Christmas at home with all of our children.


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