Monday, December 27, 2010


Another good day for Cooper. 

The pentobarbitol is stopped and he is not having any side affects from coming off of this.  The only pain med or sedative he is on is the morphine, and Dr Bolam wants to be very careful weaning him from this since he has been on it so long.

Cooper started eating yesterday.  They started him on 10 mls and this morning they have already moved him up to 20 mls.  I did his cares 3 times today.  Meaning, I changed his diapers, took his temp, weighed him, gave him a sponge bath, and fed him.  It was a wonderful day for me.

His weight had remained somewhat stable throughout this entire process.  He didn't gain the fluid weight they thought he would.  When they weighed him on Christmas, he had lost a little weight and was 8 lbs 7oz.  He has gained weight again.  Two days later he is 8 lbs 14 oz.  He apparently likes this food thing.  Today Cooper has taken on average 15 mls at each feeding.  The remaining formula is fed to him by his NG tube. 
Dr Bolam said today that they were going to push his feedings.  Not 100% sure what that means, but the nurses are saying that they will probably go up by 10 mls per day as long as Cooper tolerates these increases.  So, I asked what he would be taking if he hadn't had these problems and that would be 2 to 3 ounces.  Or 60 to 90 mls.  So, we are looking at another week at least with the feedings.  Hope that he can be weaned off the morphine by the time he is up on the feedings.

Tomorrow, Grandma and Grandpa Baumert, along with Aunt Angel, are coming down to see Cooper.  They will get to hold him for their first time and Angel will finally get to meet him. 

Off to bed for me so I can be at the hospital for his 8 am feeding/cares.

Here's to more great days.


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