Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So, this Tuesday is in the books as another great day for Cooper.

He keeps amazing us all.  He is up to 30 mls per feeding. This is about an ounce every 3 hours.  He took most of this by bottle today.  However, at 5 he had taken all 30 mls by bottle, then abruptly threw it up all over him and me. Pretty sure that he just was eating a bit to fast and got to much air in his tummy and that was the reason he threw up.  Nothing else.  I was able to get him to take a little more by bottle, but then they had to give him the rest via his feeding tube.  Per the nurse, they will increase the amount by 10 mls every day that he is able to tolerate this until he reaches 70 mls (of course this could change depending on the doctor on call at that time).  Then will be the task of getting him to take it all by the bottle.

Once he is taking all his feedings by bottle for at least a day, they will transition him to what they call on demand feedings.  Letting Cooper determine when and how much he eats, as long as he gets the required daily calories.  Once he proves that he can do this, we could be heading home.

Cooper's morphine was weaned a little more today and he seemed to not even notice.  So, tomorrow the plan is to go down yet again and hopefully off the morphine by Thursday. 

Vicki, his nurse today, kind of got my hopes up.  She is off until the 6th and she said that if he keeps going like he is, that he may not be there when she gets back.  I would love that, but knowing Cooper, we won't be holding our breath.  That would be fabulous as the other two are really starting to feel the separation from mom and dad. 

Randy is going up to Omaha tomorrow to spend the next 2 days with him, and to learn how to feed him.  And yes, it is different with Cooper since he didn't get to take a bottle right away.  It is taking him longer to learn how to suck from the bottle and take enough food.  But he's getting there.

Hoping that by this weekend cooper will be IV free.  Guess we will see what Cooper has to say about all of this.


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