Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hello all.  Today was a pretty quiet day.  Only had a little bit of a scare about mid-afternoon today.  One of the numbers on one of the many machines was coming back abnormal.  The doctor at first could not tell if it was a machine error or if it was a correct abnormal reading.  The next thing we know, there are 4 doctors and 2 nurses in his room.  They re-calibrated the machine and found out that it was an abnormal reading.  Now to try to figure out what was going on with Cooper.
Turns out that he is just to feisty.  The fentanyl (sedative) that they had been giving them just wasn't working.  His doctor tells us that she had given him more fentanyl in the past 1 1/2 hour that he should have been knocked out.  She said that the baby in the next room, who was undergoing surgery at the time probably didn't get as much fentanyl as she had given him.  So, they decided to try him on morphine.
Well, the morphine worked.  All his numbers are stable.  He is calmer now and letting the machines do their jobs. 
He is a feisty fighter.  All the nurses and the doctor have said that it's a good thing, but that they just needed him to calm down a bit.  One of the nurses turned to me and said "you better get your running shoes on, because when he is out of here, you are going to be running after him a lot."  All I could do is smile.  I can't wait to be chasing after him.
In Lincoln for the night.  Needed to get hugs from the other 2 cuties in my life.  Jaxon and Lea were so excited to see us.  If the roads clear up in the morning, I will head back up to Omaha for a few hours tomorrow.  Randy needs to go in to work tomorrow.  We were hoping for a miracle and that we wouldn't have to spend a lot of time in Omaha, but whatever it takes for him to get better and come home.  Just hope that we don't have a lot of terrible weather coming so we can make it back and forth to Omaha and spend time with all of our kids.
Have a good night all.

1 comment:

  1. If you ever need rides back & forth during the week and I'm in town, let me know! Also, when do I/we get to see you guys?! Missing you all!! We continue to pray for the continued progress of Cooper and that the rest of you are hanging in there during this chaotic emotional you all!

    GBC (God Bless Cooper!)
