Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Today Cooper got a new machine in his room.  Don/t know the name of it but it monitors the oxygen going to his brain.  Not that they are worried about the oxygen to the brain just that they now have this machine.  It has been used on adults in the past but Cooper is one of the first babies to have this devise. 

His stats are still stable.  They are getting better slowly.  He did have some problems overnight.  They gave him Versed, for pain.  He did not like that med, neither does his dad.  They had to strap him down.  That is probably a bad way to describe it but basically his arms are not allowed to move around as much.  He keeps trying to pull out his wires and hoses.  They are trying to keep him sedated so he stops breathing over the vent..  He needs to lay still and let the vent do the work

We are now allowed to touch him again.  We just have to touch him differently.  People are no longer allowed to stroke him.  If you touch him you have to just hold your hand still.  When you stroke him he gets over stimulated. 

He was awake and sticking his tongue out again today.  His eyes were open and would look at us.  He keeps trying to move his head.  Which is not a good thing since he has a tube in his jugular. 

Will try to post again later.


1 comment:

  1. He's getting stronger every day...won't be long and this will all be just a blur! I love reading up-dates, I seem to have "Cooper on the brain" a lot lately. Thinking of him and you all a lot hoping for the best!
