Monday, December 13, 2010


Cooper is stable.  I know we keep saying that, but right now that is all there is to say.  Not many changes happening at all.  His blood gases have remained stable with no improvements but no regression either.  Not sure the results of the echo, because the doctor did not have the results when we had the chance to meet with her.  However, tonight, when we asked the nurse, she said they didn't hear one way or the other, so they assume that it remained the same as well.

The doctor did tell us that she and her partners have reviewed Cooper's case and seeing how he's been doing, they do not expect him to come off ecmo for about 2 weeks.  This puts us at about Christmas when he might come off ecmo.  that would be a great Christmas present to see him off of that big ugly machine. 

His chest xray this morning did show some fluid in the tissue around his chest cavity, so they have had to start him on a diuretic.  They say that this is just normal since he is not able to move and that is what keeps all of us from filling up with fluid. 
They have added yet another machine to his already crowded room.  This one has two sensors attached to his head measuring the oxygen his brain is getting.  The nurses have told us that there is no real need for it, but they have the technology now so they are using it.  His numbers were good on it, so to me it's just another space in the already small room being used up by another machine. 

They have had to sedate him a little more again because he just gets agitated and tries to over-breathe the ventilator.  So, they have asked us to limit the touching because this does stimulate him.  It is very hard not to be able to touch him.  We haven't been able to hold him yet because of the ecmo and now not being able to touch him is very hard.  There are a lot of things that we take for granted when our babies are born healthy.  Like being able to hear them cry for the first time.  We hope that soon we will be able to do all these things with Cooper.

More updates to come as we learn anything new or anything changes. 

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and good thoughts.


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