Monday, January 3, 2011


Yet another Monday in the books.

Cooper is still doing well.  The boring days they talked about have officially started. 

He had his PICC line removed yesterday and doesn't seem to miss it at all.  They do still have him on prevacid.  They are able to give this through his feeding tube so he doesn't have to taste it yet. 

And the last two days they have been giving him lasix to help with the fluids he has been retaining.  They think that this might help him and his breathing.  The doctor thinks that a lot of his big weight gains could just be fluid, and judging by how much he has lost over the last two days, I would say they are right.  On Saturday night he weighed in at 10 pounds 1 ounce.  Tonight, he weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces.  This was a big weight loss today and they were a little concerned, but think it was expected after the big weight gain at the end of last week.  We will have to see if the doctor continues the lasix tomorrow.

Cooper is still struggling with the eating part.  He has figured out how to eat from the bottle, but doesn't have the stamina to drink everything by bottle.  Today he is still at 80 mls.  He did take at least half 3 times today. Now to get him to take half at every feeding would be a great start. 


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