Thursday, January 20, 2011


Happy Thursday.

I missed yesterday, but the only thing that really changed yesterday was that Cooper didn't get his circumcision.  That happened today.  It was not very pretty.  I shouldn't have watched.  But it's done now and that is one more thing off his list of to dos before he can go home. 

Tomorrow afternoon they are going to do the car seat test.  He has to sit in his car seat for two hours with the oximeter on to make sure that he doesn't desat during that time. 

He has been on demand now for two days and seems to be doing ok with it.  He is also on soy formula and hasn't really shown any difference since changing formulas.  Hopefully he keeps going this way for the next few days.

He has gained weight a little too fast.  The doctors want to watch him for the next two days to see if he can self regulate this issue.  It is a sign that he is retaining fluid again and they are concerned about pulmonary edema, but his oxygen saturations have been great.  They will not do a chest x-ray unless he doesn't lose some weight again.  He has been going back and forth the last couple of days with his weight.  As of last night he was back to 10 lbs 10.5oz.  The nurse has not weighed him yet tonight.

If he can self regulate and shows "good" weight gain, the doctors are now saying they would like to see Cooper go home Sunday.  I have been praying since they told me this.

It is almost surreal that he could be coming home in a couple of days.  He is six weeks old tomorrow.  The thought of him actually being at home soon just hasn't set in yet.  We don't even have his bassinet set up yet.  I think we both have been a little afraid.  Just don't want to jinx it.  The last six weeks have felt like a lifetime already.  Can't wait to have Cooper at home to really start our lives together.

Asking everyone to say just one more big prayer that Cooper will be able to come home Sunday.  That would be a great start to the next week and next chapter in our lives with Cooper.

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