Saturday, January 15, 2011


It's great to be in Lincoln!  Don't think I can say that enough.

Cooper is doing well and teaching his new nurses how things are going to be.  His nurse today learned early that when he wants to eat, he wants to eat.  And if you wait too long, he will use all his energy showing you how ticked off he is that you haven't fed him yet.  Needless to say, he is a little off his schedule now because he is wanting to eat a little sooner than every four hours.  He wants to eat about every 3 to 3 1/2 hours.  He is still taking the same amount just over a little less time.  Hopefully, this means he is really starting to figure this eating thing out.

He is still at over 50% by bottle and he has not spit up yet since being in Lincoln.  We are hoping that he is over that phase, but he is still on the prevacid to help with this, just in case.

Aunt Verleen was there today at 3:30 to feed Cooper, but he had decided that he was hungry before that.  He was done eating by bottle by the time she got there.  But she did get to change his dirty diaper.  Actually, she ended up spending some quality time with him and was still there when I got there at 6:40.  And again Cooper was a little off schedule and was eating when I got there.  So Aunt Verleen did get to feed him after all.

Then the gang came by.  Teresa, Tina and Heather came by to meet Cooper for the first time.  He tried his darndest to flirt with them and win them over.  Don't think he had to work to hard at this.  It was a really great night for me.  I was very happy to share him with the girls.

An old friend I haven't talked to in over 11 years (except on facebook) works in the post-partum unit and stopped in to say hi.  It was nice to see Wendy after all this time.

Getting Cooper moved to Lincoln has just been a major blessing to us in so many ways.

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