Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Crazy day today. 

Cooper did take another full bottle through the night.  Surprised me.  Then the doctor came in and changed the rules on us.  In a good way.

Dr Tan said that we are changing him to soy formula starting tomorrow.  We are thrilled for several reasons.  The main reason is the cost.  Alimentum is expensive and soy is just a little more than regular formula.

She also said that instead of 110 mls every four hours she is letting him take up to 110 mls.  He needs to take at least 90 mls, and if he doesn't, then they will gavage the rest.  The doctor said she will consider him on demand for his feedings.  They will not let him go more than 4 hours without eating, but she is going to change him from 110 mls every four hours to a set amount over 24 hours.  He hadn't hit this magic number of 90% yet, but this doctor is more about Cooper and not the numbers.  She is confident that he has it in him to eat what he needs when he needs it.  I guess we will see because he pulled out his feeding tube tonight.  We are hoping that they will not need to put it back in.  He looks so good without it.

He gets his circumcision tomorrow morning.  Hopefully this won't set him back like they say it possibly could.  Another thing we will have to just see about.

Aunt Verleen helped us out and took the 4pm feeding today.  Apparently the nurse we had told that she would be there to feed him, didn't pass on that message.  Several people came in to find out who she was.  She is such a big help to us that I just feel bad that the communication by the staff wasn't there.

Here's to hoping that Cooper continues to do well and will be home by the end of the week.  I am taking my book with me, just in case I need to be there all day for his feedings.

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