Thursday, January 13, 2011


Cooper made it to Lincoln!!!

He arrived at St E's about 10:15ish.  We got there about 10:30 and he was in his new room and getting weighed and settled in.  It was great to make the quick drive to see him. 

So, he left UNMC about 9:10 with just a little food in his tummy.  Only about 20 mls.  They didn't want him to go on a full tummy, just in case he were to get sick in the ambulance.  The isolet they use for transport is small.  Really small.  Cooper had no problems with the ride down to Lincoln.  He slept most of the way.  He only gave them heck the last 15 minutes or so.  Needless to say, he was hungry.  After they did all of their necessary checks, they finally talked to us about the fact that they didn't have his formula in powder form, so they couldn't add the extra calories like at UNMC.  They actually had to send someone out to get some formula so they could.  In the mean time, we gave him the regular Alimentum.  And he did great.

We think being in Lincoln, with a less stressed mommy and daddy, really agrees with him.  He took 45 mls at that first feeding here.  Then at the 4 o'clock feeding, he took 70 mls for me.  Finally at the 8 o'clock feeding, he took another 55 mls for Randy.  In those 3 feedings he is already up to 50% by bottle.  And he didn't spit up at all.  Let's hope he keeps going in this direction.  This is a great day.

He has already had visitors today.  Aunt Verleen and Uncle Rowney were there tonight to help welcome him to Lincoln and to learn how this feeding thing is done.  They will be our back up when we can't make it there ourselves for some reason.  Like on Saturday afternoon when we have to go to Jaxon's first basketball game.  It is really a great feeling and weight off our shoulders to be here and have all the support close by.

I know that I am looking forward to spending time at home and with our friends.  I'm sure that Randy feels the same way. 

I can't say it enough.  It's a great day. 

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