Saturday, January 8, 2011


Cooper is doing great.  Another boring day in the NICU for us.

The only change they really made was that they changed his feedings from every three hours to every four.  Of course this means he has to drink more every feeding.  Instead of 80 mls every 3 hours, it's now 110 mls every 4 hours.  Of course they didn't change the rate, so he is still having to take all 110 in 60 minutes.  This is one way to stretch his stomach out.

He is back to below 50% of his feedings by bottle.  It would be kind of nice if he had the same nurse more than once.  Now with the new CDH baby in the NICU, all the good nurses have been put on that case and we get all of these other nurses that have never seen Cooper before and half of them did not even know that he's had surgery.  We have to tell them about him because they are not necessarily reading the chart.  Randy  has spoken with the charge nurse about this and hopefully things will get better, however we had another new nurse today.

We really have no idea anymore when the end to this hospital stay might be.  Right now hopeful would be within 2-3 weeks.  He's not sick anymore, so no one is really worrying about him and they just keep telling us that it will take time.  It would just be nice if he could come home before I have to go back to work.  But now. . . we just don't know.

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