Monday, January 10, 2011


Cooper is one month old today.

This lovely weather made it interesting to get over to the hospital today.  I called the shuttle so I didn't have to drive in this snow.  Never been so nervous to ride in a van for 6 blocks.  Lots of cars stuck and sliding everywhere.

When I did make it there, it was another day in the struggle to get Cooper to eat.  He still is taking only an ounce every feeding by bottle.  I did talk to the doctor about this, and she reassured me that this is normal and that he is still ahead of the curve.  She said that on average it takes 4 to 6 weeks after the hernia repair for babies to learn how to eat.  We are just over 2 weeks in, so we have possibly 2 to 4 weeks more.  However, there have been cases where it takes 3 to 4 months.  Hoping that it's only 2 to 4 weeks more. 

He only gained 3 ounces over the last week, so they have added calories to his formula to help.  They want him to gain an ounce every day.  Regular formula is 20 calories per ounce.  They have added 2 calories per ounce.  Yeah, I know, doesn't sound like a lot.  He is going from taking 480 calories a day to 528.  They hope this will help him get the calories he is burning from working so hard to eat.  If not, they will increase it to 5 calories/ounce.

The only big news from the day would be that I did talk to Dr Anderson about transferring Cooper to St Elizabeth's.  She did give the green light, but we have to wait to see if insurance will cover any of the transport costs.  Unlikely, but we can hope.  If not, we are still going to pursue this option.  It would be so much easier for Jaxon and Lea if we were in town.  They could see their brother more and we could have dinner together every night.  Also, we would be able to sleep in our own bed every night.  Here's to hoping that we will be able to get him to Lincoln if not home soon.

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