Saturday, January 22, 2011


Another Saturday.  Except this may be the last Saturday that Cooper spends in the hospital.

The doctor is cautiously optimistic that Cooper will be released from the hospital TOMORROW!  She says that he looks good, but she needs to check his numbers from today and tomorrow to make sure that he is still doing well.

We took today to get ready for Cooper's homecoming.  Aunt Verleen helped us out yet again, and fed him last night and today.  She was able to get a really cute picture of Cooper smiling last night.  I think that helped win her over even more.  While she was helping with Cooper, Rowney came over and helped Randy build the platform for our new bed.  I think the two 6'4" guys forgot that I'm a foot shorter than them.  It's a little high, but still looks good.

I have cleaned so many things around the house hoping to get rid of as many germs as possible, but it seems like there is always something else around the next corner to clean.  I guess he will have to be exposed sometime, but for now I think I will keep him confined to certain areas until I can get everything cleaned really well at least once.

We ran into a little snafu yesterday with the car seat.  The one we had was too old.  Thankfully, one of Randy's co-workers had one that wasn't and we could borrow.  Needless to say, he didn't get his test yesterday.  Hoping that they will get that done today.

I'm anxious to go in tomorrow and see what the doctor says.  Cooper had lost some of that weight, so as long as he doesn't put on a large amount again tonight, we should be ok.  I guess we will just have to see what tomorrow brings.

If you happen to be in the Lincoln area tomorrow and hear a very loud scream for joy, it's just me and we are bringing Cooper home.

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