Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Cooper had a better day today. 

For the last 12 hours he has been taking nearly 40% of his feedings by bottle.  This is great considering when I talked to the doctor at 9 this morning, he had only been taking 30% by bottle.  Hopefully he will continue this through the night.

He still is throwing up a bit, but not every feeding.  And he has gained weight the last two days, so the doctor is not too worried. 

I have worked with insurance companies for many years trying to get claims paid or services covered for patients.  Now it's my turn to sit back and wait to see if the hospital can get either the transport to St E's or the hospital stay once he's there, covered.  Hopefully both, but we will take the hospital stay.  I didn't know that the insurance company may say that it's cheaper to stay in Omaha, so they wouldn't pay for the hospital stay even if we paid for the transport to Lincoln.  But, I have faith that the people here at UNMC know what they are doing and what needs to be said or done to get this paid.  Now it's just waiting to see if the insurance company has a human being on this case or a robot that has been put there to protect the bottom line.

If the insurance won't pay, and we have to stay in Omaha, I only hope that Cooper finds a new gear and gets this eating thing down a little faster.  Can't stand staying up here anymore.  Very grateful to have a place to stay and the facility is nice, but some of the other people staying here are just so incredibly rude.  The couple in the next room have been fighting the last couple of nights as late as midnight.

Then of course there is the entire missing my other kids.  It would be so nice to have everyone together.  I guess we only have another day until we find out.  Saying extra prayers.

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